22-26 Apr 2024 Paris (France)


08:45 - 09-15 Café et croissants          

09:15 - 09:30
Bruno, Nept arc 40yr, …
Café et croissants  

09:30 - 09:42
BUIE - Solar syst origins ASSAFIN - PRAIA
SALO - Ring simu

DROSSART - Jupiter 1999 (remote)
09:43 - 09:55 SOUAMI - Nept arc obs BRAGA-RIBAS - TNO sat ROMMEL - PSF Phatom MEYER - resonances DROSSART - Cassini Ariel (remote) Discoveries and dynamics
09:56 - 10:08 RENNER - Nept arc confinement MORGADO - CHEOPS TANGA - Diffraction LAINEY - Cassini ENCRENAZ - atmo
10:09 - 10:21 SOUAMI & ROLLAND - NOC21 MARGOTI/BRAGA-RIBAS - Quaoar LEIVA - (19521) Chaos NICHOLSON/FRENCH - Cassini VIMS HUBBARD - Jupiter Enhanced dynamics
10:21 - 10:50 Coffee break  

10:51 - 11:03

DESMARS - Astrometry

WINTER - Quaoar
SFAIR - G-ring arc

SOUAMI - NOC24 and UrOC24

11:04 - 11:16 KILIC - Occult portal
HOLLER - Hi'iaka Weywot
DUTRA/ASSAFIN - Diomedes EL MOUTAMID - Saturn arcs YOSHIDA - East Asia group (remote)  

11:17 - 11:29
SANTOS-SANZ - Chariklo JWST (remote) FERNANDEZ - Bienor VERMERSCH - asteroid non hydro DE SANTANA - equilibria MARCINIAK - asteroid Occult exploration

11:30 - 11:42

BEISKER - Citizen Sc
ASSAFIN - Umbriel

GIULIATTI - non-spherical


11:43 - 11:55

ORTIZ - Chiron (remote)
MIDAVAINE - Proam PEREIRA - 29P/Schwassmann  Instructions for Phil Trans A papers
Amateur community

14:00 - …

SICARDY : historical overview (1h)

ALL : round table
Predictions portals / instruments, projects
ALL : round table

SORA and PRAIA workshop (hands-on)

ALL : round table
Dynamics (2h),
ALL : round table
in the context of new missions, surveys,
telescopes etc,
what kind of science, how and why ?
15:30 - 15:50 Coffee break  

… - 18:30
ALL : round table
Predictions portals / instruments, projects
ALL: round table
SORA and PRAIA workshop (hands-on)
Visit to the observatory
Internal Lucky Star meeting (2h)
(simultaneous events)
ALL : round table

in the context of new missions, surveys,
telescopes etc,
what kind of science, how and why ?

Points and Questions to Address During the Round Tables

Monday: Predictions portals/instruments, projects

  • Are the various portals (predictions, data storage) recently opened satisfactory? Improvements? Prospects for the next generation of "cheap" cameras? Access to the "cheap" near IR (J, H, K bands)?

Tuesday: ProAm

  • Is the ProAm satisfactor? Improvements? What organization in a context where many events are now foreseen?


  • SORA and PRAIA: return of experience since their openings


  • Dynamics: status of numerical works to explain the ring dynamics around small irregular bodies? Feasibility of simulations with self-gravity? Theoretical works on non-linear wave interactions? Cascading of modes near the 1/3 resonance? Formation of satellites?
  • Observations: current observation of rings around Chariklo, Haumea, Quaoar, and Chiron lack accuracy concerning the orbital elements: eccentricities, precession rates, inclinations? Strategy to remedy this?


  • Immediate and mid-term evolution of our occultation works in the context of new instruments and missions (JWST, E-ELT, Lucy, Ariel, ...)
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